Category: Nature

The Nature of Energy

We become energized when people give us their time and attention because they are lending us their energy, their focus, their attention and those are the moments when I feel most energized, as opposed to spending a lot of time thinking about a problem or spending time thinking of something outside of myself or someone […]

The Nature of Connection

I was imagining karma, the process of karma being something like coming to this plane to learn a set of lessons that you have not yet learned—things that you don’t know, experiences you’ve never had. And that you unburden yourself the more you learn and stretch and overcome issues in your life. But there’s another […]

The Nature of Purpose

If we’re in the flow, things are happening for us all the time, we get what we need, which some call manifestation. When we are surfing the present and trusting that everything is working in our favor, then it truly is. But it’s not like The Truman Show in the sense that there’s just one […]

The Nature of Judgement

Judgement reinforces a black and white notion of emotion. If you aren’t open to exploring your feelings and asking where they’re coming from and why you’re having them then you aren’t able to develop that compassion and that empathy that makes you a more evolved human being. You just get stuck in feeling threatened and […]

The Nature of Success

The key to being wildly successful is listening to your inner voice and trusting it. Right now, you don’t trust yourself. You let your head override your gut and you pay for it dearly. Listen to your heart—not like you’re trying to divine something from outside. This comes from inside. It’s provided for you.  Your […]

The Nature of Dislike

Judgement reinforces a black and white notion of emotion. If you aren’t open to exploring your feelings and asking where they’re coming from and why you’re having them then you aren’t able to develop that compassion and that empathy that makes you a more evolved human being. You just get stuck in feeling threatened and […]

The Nature of Change

Our concept of truth has to be elastic enough for us to be able to accept even just the hint of a different reality, or a different dimension to reality we aren’t experiencing. We have been so solidified in black-and-white thinking and other rigid patterns of thought that follow a survival mindset, like “Will this […]

The Nature of Channeling

It’s so funny how I have this experience of my own gift where I feel very intimidated by it and scared and I don’t want anyone to know about it and I feel like I have to keep it a secret. Yet anytime anyone is open about or sharing their gift, I feel somehow insulted, […]

The Nature of Your Path

Your path is actually the connection you have to your intuition. The more closely you’re connected to your intuition. The more self-awareness you have and self-knowledge, the closer you are to your path. However, the strange misconception of this is that at any point you’re ever not on your path. You’re never not on your […]

The Nature of Trust

If I am able to trust that each moment has inherent meaning, then I can let go and allow my experience to unfold, abandon expectation and allow for each moment to arrive pleasantly, surprisingly in a state of awe, wonderment, curiosity and engagement and total realization that I am not in the driver’s seat—that I […]